Yomi’s Magical Forest Adventure

One evening, just before bedtime, Yomi was in her room when she saw something sparkling outside her window. It was a trail of tiny, glowing footprints leading into the forest!

Yomi was curious. She grabbed her favorite pink cape, tied it around her neck, and tiptoed outside. The glowing footprints led her deeper into the woods, where the trees whispered secrets and the air smelled sweet like flowers.

After walking for what felt like forever, Yomi came to a sparkling cave. Inside, she found a baby dragon with glowing blue eyes. "Hello, little dragon! What are you doing here?" Yomi asked gently.

The dragon looked up at Yomi and sniffed. "I’m lost," said the dragon with a sad voice. "I need to find my way home, but I don’t know where to go."

Yomi smiled and said, "Don’t worry, I can help you!" Together, Yomi and the dragon followed the glowing footprints all the way back to the dragon’s cozy home.

The dragon flapped its wings excitedly. "Thank you, Yomi! You’re the best adventurer ever!"

With a big hug, Yomi waved goodbye to her new friend and made her way back home, knowing that the greatest adventures happen when you help someone in need.


Yomi and the Big Toy Mix-Up